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Watch How 3 Police Officers Were Kneeling On George Floyd Before His Untimely Death [Video]



george floyd

In a latest video which has been chanced on by our outfit, it appears to show three Minneapolis Police Officers kneeling on George Floyd during his arrest which led to his murder in broad day light. You would recall that, a previous video which was shared by an eyewitness showed only Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd and as such was charged for Floyd’s murder.

In this new and viral video, Derek Chauvin and two other white officers were actually caught on video kneeling on Floyd. Derek Chauvin was arrested on Friday according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and has been charged with 3rd degree manslaughter. The other free officers who are also in connection to the death of George Floyd are yet to be arrested and charged.

Checkout the video below:

