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Screenshot: A Wealthy Young man Pretended to be broke to his family and Friends and his Girlfriend was the first to leave him… Checkout how he did it



A south African Medical Practitioner who goes by the name Jackson Van Staden has taken to twitter to reveal how he once fake being poor to his family and close friends just to see who really cares fro him and if they truly care

According to him, he took a 60 days sick leave from work and told his close friends and girlfriend that he has lost his job, after he went ahead to take his car to the mechanic and said the company seized it. He then moved from his house to stay with his brother and said the house is being auctioned by his company.

To his utmost surprise, After faking that he is now broke, his girlfriend was the first to leave him, after most of the people he called friends and family also started leaving one after the other. It was then that he learned that nobody really cares about him and that they were all around him because of certain benefits they get.

Taking to Twitter, her wrote: I once simulated my demise to test my close circle, took leave at work and told them I lost my job, moved in with my brother and told them my house was auctioned by the bank, took my car for repairs and told them it was repossessed. My so called fiance was the 1st to leave.

Then some family members followed, then friends one by one. That’s when I painfully realised I am all I’ve got and absolutely no one would save me. I ruthlessly and selfishly always put myself 1st because no one would pick me up from my fall. Do the same Men
