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Displaying Intense Hatred of Gay People Is A Sign You’re Secretly Gay – Study Shows.




It’s a tale as old as time. The human race has always been and would always be hypocritical.

A study from the University of Rochester, New York, has indicated that people who hate homos*xuals with an intensity even they can not understand might be secretly gay.

According to the study, people who publicly declare how loudly they hate gays might be dealing with secret gay tendencies that they’re not ready to face.

“Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they ‘doth protest too much,’” Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University told LiveScience.

“In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves,” he added.

In four studies with numerous experiments, the reasearchers set out to discover what movitaves people who react viscerally to homos*xuality.

It found that latent gay feelings is one strong motivating factor, although they stressed that other factors are also at play – such as growing up with homophobic parents who transmit those views.

Their study, they say, might explain why some very prominent anti-gay personalities can be later caught up in a gay s*x scandal.

As Scientific American writes: “[An] evangelical preacher and anti-gay-marriage advocate Ted Haggard was caught in a gay s*x scandal in 2006. And in 2010, prominent anti-gay activist and co-founder of conservative Family Research Council George Rekers was reportedly spotted in 2010 with a male escort rented from According to news reports, the escort confirmed Rekers is gay,”

In Ghana, we have rampant homophobes out there mounting huge pressure on gays for no reason other than existing.

People like Moses Foh-Amoaning, according to this study, should examine their inner selves to see if there are no hidden desires driving their very notable crusade against gays.

