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Former makeup artist for Tracey Boakye, Naa Dede, reveals how she was hooked up to a minister while doing Tracey’s makeup.





A former makeup artist for Tracey Boakye, Naa Dede, has revealed during an exclusive interview with Pulse Ghana how she got hooked up to a Minister of State without her knowledge while doing Tracey’s makeup.

According to Naa Dede, a lady who was with Tracey Boakye at that time cunningly did the hookup by asking her [Naa] to text this Minister friend of hers who was coming to Kumasi for a few days and needed a pretty lady to entertain him.

Long story short, Naa Dede met this Minister at an agreed venue where he placed a house and a car on the table if she’s able to give him a child.

Naa Dede claimed that she refused the Minister’s offer since she isn’t like the likes of Tracey Boakye and other ladies who’ll gladly trade their bodies for such juicy offers.
