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Prof. Kweku Azar takes a swipe at Nana Addo’s Government, “It is a wreck,” just as he did to Mahama.





In a Facebook post by renowned Kwaku Azar, he frontally attacks our attitude as a nation to key issues of development and writes that:

“Our politics has been reduced to who should hold what positions with total disregard, even disdain, for issues, ideas, and ideology. In consequence, even though we do politics 365 days a year (366 days in a leap year), the issues facing us a nation remain unaddressed and our problems keep compounding.

Our education system is a wreck. Our social security system guarantees insecurity. Our healthcare system does not heal. Our roads are death traps. Our economy does not produce jobs. Our national debt is soaring. Our homes have no access to Water, Electricity or even Toilet (WET), etc.

In fact, the daily political noise cannot even guarantee that all our citizens vote in our elections. If they don’t care about your representation they won’t care about your WET!! We must begin to see the light! If they cannot keep your lights on they cannot be the way out of the darkness. #SALL is the cardinal sin of the 8th Parliament. Judge their politics by the fight they put up for the disenfranchised. Da Yie!” he wrote.

This comes as an indirect backlash against the presidency and leadership of Nana Addo. As we all remember his promises to the nation, during Mahama’s reign, when he raised his voice against borrowing with his popular phrase “ye wo sika no” to wit he meant, we have the money here for our development, but as Prof Azar puts it, our debts are far worse now, than even under Mahama’s tenure.

In reacting to this post, commentaries have included the following:

Philip Hama writes that “My major concern is the alarming deterioration of our educational system. No one seems to be concerned. Our future is being toyed with. Let’s be careful, we must be thinking of the legacy we’ll be leaving the next generation. CSO’s, the churches, academia and all those who matter must speak out!!!!”

Isaac Adusei writes that “I am expecting your name on the ballot paper in 2024. The leadership we have now talked similarly when they were out of govt. I am prepared to debate anyone who claim we have made no progress at all. I have lived in Ghana all my life and I know how conditions were in the 1970s till now. Some progress has been made such that in the midst of a worldwide pandemic we can be assured of medical service which is largely free and you can get food to buy in our markets, shops, etc. We have certainly moved away from a situation where we queued to buy bread, Kenkey, milk, key soap etc. We don’t queue for trotro, petrol or even gas. What else can I expect? Certainly, I can’t complain if I will suffer a little discomfort in order for electricity lines to be maintained to even serve me better. It is such incessant complaints that led to coups and revolutions in the past. We have to be patient as the current system makes it possible to make changes every 4 years.”

Marcus El Grande writes “A compendium of gloomy observations but probably without due regard for our real challenges without which all the rosy wish lists would have been made. And no our govts in the past 20 years have gotten progressively responsive to the ppl even tho we also have to be aware of a new paradigm that have potential undesired consequences; rash rule by populism or ‘mobocracy’ due to the inception of social media challenges( funds) to undertake flash developments that you are lamenting are real too even though concede ultimately necessary. Guess in the African context, not doing badly. lets proffer hard ideas taking into cognizance our challenges to enable us carry the goody targets out.”

Papa Chris writes “So far, Prof has been a lone Ranger for good governance. Where are the numerous academic gurus? Have they given up the fight? Or they are just bothered? Prof, we the voiceless will continue to back you with prayers so that you don’t also give up. Ghana is bleeding profusely.”

Daniel Kabon writes “Politics a tool for social mobilization for the public good has become a tool for corruption in Ghana. But there’s hope for Ghana because of prof and I.”

Immanuel Okrah Boateng writes “Cry, my beloved country, for words, no matter their intellectual gravity, cannot save you from the clutches of a corrupt and unconscionable political class.”

Assibu Michael writes “Prof. Sorry to say that you’ve missed it this time round. Yes there are issues to addressed but to make it seem as if we’ve achieved nothing as a State, I disagree. Ghanaians have high expectations because we want the best for ourselves and the nation. I believe we will get there.”

Sulley Laari Musah writes “Prof. My worry is our educational system. We seems not to be concern or worry about it, our journalist and the media is quite, our CSOs seems not to be concern or worry about it. If we don’t talk or do something about now, then let forget about the future. From basic schools to the tertiary, we are training people to come and sit at home. After NS, if you don’t have connection or don’t know high profile person, then just go home. Poor academic calendar, curriculum with no text books. Please let visit our schools now”

Kwame Boateng writes “We are very much aware of the challenges surrounding us. The main problem is we have too many experts at criticism and finger pointing yet when given given the nod to cure the ills, they end up sinking the country further. They are either on a parochial interest agenda or on vendetta mission. We’ve produced so many experts in criticism from Nkrumah to date and it looks like we are yet to produce walkers of the talk.”

Togbe Ngoryifiaga writes “I’m wondering how paragraph 4 is feasible in any democracy? Even in the US, they started with a few privileged whites, and up until now, the delegate system in the US still makes nonsense of representative democratic legitimacy. By the way have you heard about the plans to construct offices for parliamentarians at the constituency levels?”

Fawzie Gammelloay writes “The political class have created a system that works for them at the expense of the people. What baffles me is: When will the people rise up and say enough is enough? What will take? Why haven’t the people done it yet? What are they waiting for?”

Ebenezer Annan writes “It’s so true. It’s said leadership is a cause and all others effect. Everyone is a leader in a way. Yes it’s true… But what matters is the positive outcome on making your followers to be better than you. African leadership are quick to shout hoarse on its voices and point that started the same independence journey with the Asian tigers like Singapore… But we are never ready to go the same pragmatic leadership style the Singaporean god father, Lee kuan Yew employed to bring his country this farther in development of the people and country. Rather, we choose the laissez faire leadership style which only serve a personal interest and allows friends to also plunder!

A John Magufuli came and proved the point that we can close all the loopholes and raising national resources for national development, not going for a China loans and bonds… Ghana was prouder that we struck oil in the past decade. We had hope that was going to help accelerate our national development… Till date we are yet to see the benefit in outcome. In giving the COVAX Facility, you needed to be a ” poorest country ” and poorest country we are! Indeed leadership a cause and all other effect! When we begin to look at change all would look at change!”

Eric Adomako writes “You couldn’t have said it better. And the saddest part of it is that these Politicians seem not prepared to listen to or take the solutions of those in diaspora.”

Nketia Agyei Bernard writes “the media and CSO’s are also changing the narrative of our culture and heritage with the influx of Western world way of living.”

Kwaku Kusi-Appiah writes “Partisan politics should only be a mechanism for National Development (the goal) , but it has become an end in itself.”

Degurah Bertinos writes “Brilliant submission Prof. God bless you abundantly. This our country we only have few honest people of which when they speak, their honest comments cause more pain and discomfort in the dishonest people who are dominated with selfish and wicket mindset, who thus things for their own interest and gains. God save us all”

