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Throwback Video Of Avaram Ben Moshie Revealing How Nana Agradaa Will Open Church To Deceive Ghanaians Surfaces.






We have chanced on a video of popular atheist and leader of the Common Sense Family (CSF), Avram Ben Moshie revealing how Nana Agradaa Will Change means of conning people.

Avram Ben Moshie told Ghanaians in the video not to be surprised when they wake up one day to hear Nana Agradaa is now a preacher.

He echoed that Nana Agradaa and her husband will operate a church to continue their act. The man will be the pastor while Nana Agrdaa works as a counselor and other stuffs.

Fast forward into the future, fetish priestess Nana Agradaa has denounced her gods and has revealed intentions of going into full time ministry of God.

Watch Avram Ben Moshie speak below.

