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17-years-old Twins mobilize funds to build ICT center for Ajamesu JHS.





Ordinarily, the renovation of school buildings and provision of education infrastructure has been the work of government; the private sector, philanthropists, and not-for-profit establishments.

A twin, both fresh graduates of the International Community School in the Ashanti Region appear to be rewriting this narrative at a rather tender age of 17.

By the effort of Steve and Stanley Adinkrah Nketia, the Ajamesu M/A Junior High School which hitherto was in a rundown status can now boast of a fully furnished ICT center fitted with thirty-six computers, air conditioners and 24-7 internet connectivity

The town’s only public JHS which housed students in ramshackle classrooms has also been renovated with all its eroded floors, broken doors and windows fixed and painted to an iconic look.

All classrooms in the Junior High School now have two fans each. Inadequate chairs for students is now a thing of the past with a hundred and eighty mono desks supplied on the account of these two students.

Commissioning the buildings; the Education Director for the Bekwai Municipality, Leticia Obeng commended the youth for their show of leadership and social responsiveness.


She acknowledged: “It is interesting to note that Steve and Stanley are neither natives of Ajamesu nor students of this school but had the kind heart of adopting this school that has resulted in this beautiful project we are witnessing here.”

“This act of benevolence at this age is a good leadership trait and the nation will be blessed to have you as statesmen. A good leader is not only determined by their performance in an official position but the deeds of a person right from childhood,” she added.

Stanley Adinkra Nketia, an outgoing head boy of ICS told Ultimate News why they decided to go all out to mobilize funds to support the Ajamesu Community; especially at a time academic performance was at its all-time low in the town.

“As a school we come to teach the students on Mondays as part of our community impact projects. We realized that the school was in a bad condition. Initially we thought of raising funds to build an IT lab for them but we had to renovate the whole school as well,” he narrated.

His twin brother Steven Adinkrah Nketia a Round-square Vice president indicated that the project aims to connect students of Ajamasu to the vast opportunities that the global world of academia and development presents to today’s child.

He noted: “At the rate the world is advancing, we are moving into a technological age and if students don’t have access to the computer their progress in life tends to slow down. We built this ICT center to connect this little community to the global world through the internet.”

Headmaster of the Ajamasu MA Junior High School; Robert Gyedu recounted how the school struggled to use one computer to teach the over two hundred students until this intervention.

It was not easy for the ICT teacher to use just one computer to teach the students but now the practicals will be easy and we are very appreciative of what they have done for us.

Father of the twins and C.E.O. and Co-Founder of Tonket Group of Companies, Mr. Anthony Adu Nketia, was optimistic his investment in the passions of his sons will birth in them the spirit of corporate social responsibility.

He told Ultimate News’ Ivan Heathcote – Fumador, “Naturally I expect them to take after me as a businessman but I want them to know that to do successful business, you need to have community service at heart. You have to think of how to improve people’s lives because you get business out of that.”

The School Management Committee together with the Parent-Teacher Association of the Ajamesu MA J.H.S. have collaborated to provide security and ensure that the facility is properly maintained to serve generations of students in the community.
