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Boy who went viral for eating ‘fufu’ on ‘our day’ to be adopted and sent to Canada.





‘Our Day’ was a widely discussed topic during the just ended week because a little boy called Oswald Gennuh wrote a note to his mother that went viral and inevitably reminded everyone of the days when the last day of vacation was such a big deal.

‘Our Day’ is always the best day of school not just because you get to just enjoy your friends in school without being burdened with lessons, but also because on that day kids get to go with delicacies and snacks one would not necessarily get on a regular school day.

While Oswald was trending and the conversation about misplaced priorities on the part of donors was getting heated, there was a little champion in a village somewhere also getting serious attention with his ‘Our Day’ fufu.

This brought to light the staggering difference between students in the rural areas and their counterparts in the city. While Oswald and his friends were enjoying all the pizza and ice cream donated to them, this young king was sent to ‘Our Day’ with a massive bowl of fufu.

Not that fufu is bad food, but it is rare to find anyone bringing it to school for ‘Our Day’, and the fact that he did not look too happy about his food raised concern.

It turns out the young boy’s Our Day fufu days are about to be over. According to a Tweep, someone was touched by his fufu ordeal and sought to find him. She has and is in the process of adopting him and relocating him to Canada.
