In a deeply unsettling letter submitted to under their “Dear Adubia” segment, a young girl named Maame Yaa has...
We only have a certain amount of time, energy and space in our lives, we should thus not add unnecessary clutter to the equation. In an...
Building a successful long-distance relationship requires a combination of effective communication, trust, commitment, and finding creative ways to maintain a strong connection despite the physical distance....
I studied ways to be less awkward, and learned some interesting things that improve my relationships I’ve spent most of my life awkward and...
A powerful photo. Alix Adrache. He grew up in the slums of Haiti. He is overcome with emotions as he graduates with honors (top...
We all wish we had a little more inner peace in our lives. After all, it’s hard enough to cope with the stress of...
High-level thinking is an experience like no other. It’s when several unique ideas coalesce to form extraordinary insights giving rise to epiphanies — just...
1. Don’t care “When you show yourself to the world and display your talents, you naturally stir all kinds of resentment, envy, and other...
Here’s my compilation of interesting psychological rules that affects human behaviour unconsciously and take seconds to execute. Apply them yourselves to validate! 3-second rule...
Often in life, to be successful it doesn’t require doing more. It requires you to stop. To eliminate the waste in your life. In...