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Couple Finally Get To Name Their Child “LUCIFER”



A couple from Chesterfield eventually get to name their four month old son “Lucifer” after a registrar denied them from choosing that name.

The father of the four months old boy, Dan reported their plight after visiting the council office for their son’s registration.

“We were really excited to go and get him registered but the woman looked at us in utter disgust.

“She told us he would never be able to get a job, and that teachers wouldn’t want to teach him.

“I tried to explain that we are not religious people, and Lucifer in Greek means ‘light-bringer’ and ‘morning’ but she wouldn’t listen.

“She even told us that it was illegal to name a child that in New Zealand and that maybe we could name him something else but refer to him as Lucifer at home.”

Couple win battle to name their son

The couple were asked to exit the room while the officials cross-checked whether the boy could be registered with the Satanic moniker.

Dan continued:

“We were gobsmacked with her behaviour.

“Eventually she did it, but it was through gritted teeth.

“Honestly, we just thought it was a nice name . . . a unique one. We didn’t expect to get so much grief about it.”

Lucifer together with other names like King, Prince, Princess are on the list of banned named published in 2013 in New Zealand. Derbyshire County Council spokesperson said that the registrar has really done the best for raising concerns on the choice of name for the couple’s baby.

The spokesperson said;

“Our registrar felt it was her duty to ensure the couple were aware the name Lucifer had negative connotations and that their son may encounter issues with the name through his life due to its associations.”

After a General Register Office official was contacted on the incident, he agreed that the registrar had done the right thing in educating the parent “with the best interests of the child in mind”.#

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The spokesperson further said;

“Despite the advice, the couple said they still wished to proceed and name their son Lucifer, and the registrar continued with the registration.

“We apologise if they were offended but it is the job of our registrars to advise in these matters as sometimes people are not aware of certain meanings or associations around certain names.”
