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Damongo: Policewoman stabbed to death by ‘jealous’ boyfriend.





Information gathered by indicates that a police officer identified as Constable Sandra Asiedu stationed at Damango in West Gonja District of the Savannah Region has been stabbed to death.

Police sources suspect she was stabbed to death by her boyfriend who had come over to visit her during the weekend.

The boyfriend whose identity is currently unknown is said to have travelled to visit Constable Sandra Asiedu from Obuasi in the Ashanti Region.

The Ghana Police Service is currently on a manhunt for the young man who has been named the prime suspect.

A short statement from Police imvestigators from the area conforming the incident reads in part “It is suspected she was stabbed to death this night in her room in a rented apartment in Damongo. This heinous crime is suspected to be committed by her boyfriend from Obuasi who visited her”.
