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Foreigner sacked from the supermarket after she refused to use hand sanitizer



Following the outbreak of Coronavirus in Ghana, there have been calls for improved personal hygiene practices.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, in an address to the nation on Sunday, March 15, 2020, directed that public businesses like supermarkets provide sanitizers and handwashing items for customers.

A foreigner in Ghana suffered an embarrassing moment after she refused to follow personal hygiene protocols at a supermarket as directed by the president and health officials.

The foreigner, a lady, was sacked from the supermarket for refusing to use hand sanitizer provided for her to disinfect her hands before touching any item in there.

The lady after refusing to use the hand sanitizer went about touching items in the supermarket which got the attendant to approach. After proving stubborn the attendant ordered for her to be taken out of the shop.

In a video sighted by, the lady was seen being dragged out by the security man on duty while she resisted saying it was against the law.

But the attendant shouted back at her saying this is Ghana while the security man successfully removed her from the supermarket.
