2 months agoon
Diella TekuIn a devastating event that has cast a pall over the Akropong-Dabaa community, a tragic accident on Tuesday morning claimed the lives of five individuals, including a mother and her child, who were en route to school. The vehicle, carrying residents from Dabaa to Akropong, veered off the road and plunged into the Owabi River, resulting in the tragic loss of life.
The group had gathered early in the morning, with Helena, a 40-year-old seamstress, generously offering a ride to neighbors along her school route. Accompanying her were her daughter, 10-year-old Lordina Yasan, and neighbors, including 28-year-old plumber Boamah Gyasi Eric and 41-year-old teacher Rita Agyare. The scene took a darker turn as eyewitnesses described the vehicle losing control on the narrow, winding road, flipping over before crashing into the river.
After an extensive search, community members, along with local divers, located the body of five-year-old Doreen Yasan, Helena’s younger child, bringing some closure to the anguished family and friends. The deceased have now been moved to the Mount Sinai morgue, while the local community, filled with grief, has come together to mourn.
Local authorities have launched an investigation into the accident and are emphasizing the importance of road safety along Akropong-Dabaa’s narrow pathways.
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