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HOW can the public trust local nose masks sold on the streets.. Damak CEO queries gov’t



DAMAK Sanitation Watch & Health is advising the general public to be more cautious of local produced nose masks sold on the streets.

The organisation is therefore, advising government to take preventive safety measures in a form of education on the use of the nose masks and it holisticness to boost public confidence. Even though, the nose masks, to whether foreign or local produce is not entirely an antidote to the covid-19 but, a tool of protection. However, we must be assured of how safe they are; because we are all at risk, and we don’t know who is infected with virus which is critical thing we must observe.

All these are reasons we seek government of Ghana and the Ghana Health Services to take a second look at the manner in which local nose masks are springing in the country and advised ultimate measures to control and prevent mass spread of the virus. We are yet to hear or see countries with such approach in the fight of the novel coronavirus.

We believe government will do the blissful thing and constitute infringing effort to regulate local manufactures of covid-19 protective materials by defining a specific centres for these products to be sold there instead of through an open markets…these materials have now become a household business for everybody of which the public may find it difficult to trust the materials and sellers…deem it critical for immediate intervention.

Following the call by World Health Organization (WHO) to use protective nose masks in the fight against covid-19 pandemic, Ghana is no exception. Hence, we have to act decisively in our quest to prescribe protective materials from reliable sources for public consumption.

DAMAK Sanitation Watch & Health, since the start of the virus, have taken upon itself to facilitate viable road map through community base surveillance in the area of environmental cleanness and some few supply of alcohol based hand sanitizers to support government in the fight of the covid-19. Thus, admonishing the public to put up self-inspire spirited efforts in the fight of corona virus pandemic by continue to adhere to the government outlined protocols so that together we avert covid-19 in Ghana.
