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What your handwriting says about your personality.



What your handwriting says about your personality. 52



1. How often people check their phone

If a person constantly checking their phone or refreshing their news feed, they’re probably emotionally unstable, trust me.

2. Whether they show up on time or not

It’s widely believed that a proactive person will always be on time as their self-motivation, organized whereas a procrastinator will be running here and there till the last moment. Those who are chronically late aren’t necessarily inconsiderable people, but they’re possibly more laid-back.

What your handwriting says about your personality. 53

3. If they tend to text online first

Texting first can show interest, but not always right. If someone’s really interested in you, they don’t text first. i.e., when people are looking for a life partner, especially on the exclusive dating app. They would come through your profile first and then pick more relevant topics, even when you already made the 1st move.

4. How children and dogs respond to them

No on is going to get all of this right 100% of the time. But young kids and dogs focus on people’s ‘vibe’. Children narrow in on others’ facial expressions and the way people carry themselves.

5. Where do they look when they’re drinking our of a cup

If a person who looks into the cup when drinking, he/she maybe is self-aware, idealistic, and focused. And people who looks over the rim of the cup when drinking tends to get influenced easily. Lastly, a person who closes their eyes while drinking may be discomfort and is preoccupied with pleasure and relief.

6. The colors people like or dislike

If a person has more fondness for red as compared to other colors, then they’re ambitious and energetic. If someone’s personality color is blue, then they have a fixed set of principles and want to live according to them. Individuals who prefer orange are prone to risky behavior.

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7. Their handwriting

If someone writes tiny letters, they may be a timid person. If they write large letters, they may have an outgoing personality. Additionally, individuals are fond of freedom and independence if they space their words widely. But if they write in a small space, they they hate being alone.

8. The way people carry bags

Body language reveals that if they carry a bag on one shoulder and keep it closer to their body, they prioritize freedom of movement over their display event. Similarly, if someone wear their bag in front of the body, then they are a cautious personality and probably someone who’s shy. If they don’t carry a bag at all, they may be self-assured.

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9. How people respond to the good fortune of others

To figure our whether a person tends to support or envy those who are successful, watch their facial expressions or listen to the subtle hints in their language. A “concern troll” is someone who disingenuously expresses concern about something when they’re really just trying to undermine a person.
