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Iconic moment where President Akufo-Addo dozes off during conference in France (Video).





President Akufo-Addo took some time off a busy conference in France to catch some sleep.

At 77, it appears, the president is beginning to feel the impact of old age as he is unable to maintain focus for long at meetings where speeches need to be read and reviewed for hours.

A video that captured the moment tell the umpteenth story of President Akufo-Addo dozing off in public, perhaps he needs to cool off a bit in order to get ready for the busy schedule ahead of him.

While sleeping is not condemnable, it becomes embarrassing when you are the only person sleeping while your colleagues are busy discussing and making critical decisions.

President Akufo-Addo has successfully secured a loan facility for Ghana in France but it appears, he is allowing himself to take all the shine with a few seconds of slumber.

Check Out Video Below:


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