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If You Trust, You Die Young. Relationship Coach Cautions.




Mama Cathy, a relationship expert, speaking on JoyFM’s Super Morning show, on Friday said it was very dangerous to trust with your whole heart and mind when you’re in a relationship.

She threw more light on the quote;” never put your eggs in one basket”, since people are unpredictable these days and we live in a world of certainty. She said this quote isn’t of use only in the business world, but also in the world of love, it’s of great importance. The reason why she supported this was that, if you put all your trust in your partner and there’s a breakup, you suffer the more. According to her, “love is a feeling, love is an emotion but if you go into a relationship armoured with those feelings and emotions you’re going to have a shock of your life Unfortunately when people are in love, they deal more with feelings and emotions but love is actually a choice and a decision and that is should inform you on how to engage the other person.

“So if it happens that at the end of the day, after all the investment, after all the emotional sting you disperse, after all the attachment; the bonding and all the sweet sweet things that you thought you were enjoying, suddenly the thing breaks up, what do you do?”

She clearly stated that, to avoid heartbreaks( although it’s inevitable sometimes, no matter the level of your optimism) you must have some plans for your relationship. So that even if it doesn’t end well, you’d know, your life doesn’t depend on a man, quoting what Mama Cathy said; “you need to engage the mind of the person because if you don’t engage the mind if you don’t engage that soul if you don’t engage the person you are in love with to know where the person is driving this relationship too, you’re going to be in a problem and definitely, a heartbreak will come,”.
She also added that, for most people, they get too hard om themselves when there’s a breakup, blaming themselves here and there not thinking they were in a relationship with another person who was also fallible like them. “You need to take control of your mind because heartbreak may literally shatter you. Be conscious of what you want to become after all of these incidents and all of these dramas.

“Ask yourself what went wrong, ask yourself what you do next, ask yourself how best to handle relationships after the one that ended, and also learn to let go.

“Sometimes we are limited by what we know. When we think we invested so much that we cannot do without the person, it may be difficult to let go but sometimes, let’s view the situation as one that God is using to save us from an untold difficulty in the future. It, not every heartbreak that is evil,” .

When there’s a breakup, you need to settle and recover fully in order not to carry your hurt to an innocent person. When you jump into a date immediately after a breakup, there’s a high possibility that you might treat your new love like your ex and that won’t make you appreciate the beauty and the presence of your new love; “ if your heart is broken and you’re not fully healed, but you want to prove a point to the person who broke your heart and you enter into another one, there is a high tendency that you are going to end up hitting the rock also,”.
