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Man gets angry after woman rejected his proposal, burns her home and car.





An American man, Jerel Jay Wilson has been sentenced to 20-years in prison after his inhuman act he visited on his girlfriend. 

The 29year old man from Union City, Georgia was found guilty of simple battery and first- and second-degree arson in the attacks, which began Sept. 11, 2018, officials said.

According to Cobb prosecutors, Wilson broke into the woman’s apartment, burned her bedroom, followed her, and physically attacked her after she spurned his advances.

“In 2018, jealousy and rejection left a path of destruction,” Assistant District Attorney Jared Horowitz, who prosecuted the case, said in a statement. Authorities said on Sept. 10, Wilson had been texting the woman about her new boyfriend. “On the morning of the 11th, he texted her a picture of the Twin Towers on fire from the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001,” Horowitz said.

The report says Wilson broke into the woman’s apartment the same day while she and her roommate were at work and started a fire in her bedroom, the district attorney said. Then, he stole her television, Horowitz said.

The report adds the woman’s apartment was completely relaxed down. To make matters worst, the young man returned to set her car on fire after the woman mistakenly sent him a text.

“In both instances, security footage, the defendant’s phone, and a GPS device on his vehicle placed him at the crime scenes at the time of the arsons,” Horowitz said.

“Investigators from the Smyrna Fire Marshal’s Office also found a pawn ticket showing Wilson had pawned the stolen television on the same day it was stolen. The investigation further revealed that after the second fire, Wilson sent the woman a text saying, ‘I apologize.’”

A superior court judge sentenced Wilson over the weekend, citing his “lack of concern and insight for his conduct.” In addition to 20 years behind bars, Wilson will have to serve 10 years on probation and follow a permanent protective order prohibiting him from having any contact with the victim.
