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Shortage of foodstuffs hit Senior High Schools as Gold track students report to School.





Ghana Education Service asked the Senior High School students in track Gold form two students to report to school to continue their first semester in the academic year.

Students have reported to school and there are inadequate food supply in the schools.

At the normal circumstance, foodstuffs should have been supplied before students report to school, we don’t wait for students to report to the school before thinking of how to get them food.

Couple of weeks ago, Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools(CHASS) complained of shortage of foodstuffs and even threatened to send students back home. Few weeks later form two students report to school, the same challenge exit.

National buffer stock is responsible for supplying Senior High Schools in the country with foodstuffs and the National buffer stock has contracted companies to to supply the food items. These companies are owned by the government.

Shortage of foodstuffs in the Senior High Schools can be solved if the schools practice school farming, majority of the schools have vast land which can be use for farming to feed the schools. Schools in the northern zone can cultivate maize, yam, cassava, rice, millet and etc whiles School in the southern zone can cultivate vegetables.

Government can employ farm workers on used the NABCO module for farming, that is feed Ghana for school farming. This measures will reduce government expenditure on food to the Senior High Schools. School without land for farming can get food from other schools.

This is was the practice some way back in Ghana, Ghana Education Service should re introduce School farming to feed the school to minimize cost and avoid the shortages of food in Schools. Students in Agricultural Science department can use the school farm for their practical lessons.
