5 years agoon
Joe PeeSurvival instinct and existential anxieties have men left and right panic – buying at-home collection kits to freeze their sperm amid fears corona virus will leave them unable to have kids – despite no evidence the virus harms fertility.
The market of companies sending men preservable sample collection kits and return postage, run lab tests on returned cups, and promise to cryogenically store viable seed have always been steady business. However, shockingly, amid the corona virus pandemic, the business is booming more than ever. But there’s no evidence to suggest covid affects fertility, American men are still adamant about bombarding sperm banks with mail-in collection services to save their seeds. It is too soon to know whether the virus can harm sperm, and it should be noted that there is no evidence so far that the virus seeks out and attacks sperm.
However, one of its primary symptom – fever – might damage semen since sperm thrive at the resting body temperature of 98.6°F. Even minor temperature changes can affect sperm production and how well they can move since they are delicate in form.
But this is short term disruption. This graph from a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility shows the short-lived effects of fever on sperm.
Therefore, it can be said empirically that, generally, most viral illnesses such as flu and corona virus don’t lead to infertility; so, there is no need for men to worry about aiming at the preserving their sperm yet.