Afia Pokua popularly known as Vim Lady is a news presenter at Despite Media, there has been certain rumours concerning her departure from Multimedia. None of...
After an initial resistance to talk, Mina Lawani popularly known as Minalyn touch and girlfriend of celebrity blogger, Zion Felix in a brief interview with Sammy...
Ghanaian blogger, publicist and social media marketer, Felix Adomako Mensah known professionally ad Zionfelix has given an in-depth talk about his life as a blogger and...
Renowned Ghanaian blogger and YouTuber, Felix Nana Yaw Adomako Mensah, Well known as ZionFelix, has explained why he chose his girlfriend-Mina Lawani aka MinalynTouch, over all...
Giving a brief speech on his birthday celebration and the official opening of his ZionFelix TV studio, Blogger Zion Felix had a word of praise for...