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They are my people but I cannot defend them – Bernard Mornah.





The former Chairman of PNC, Mr Bernard Monarh has indicated his disappointment in the viral video of some arm wielding young men, allegedly warning Ghanaians to run away few days ago.

Although they came publicly to denounce the suggestion that they were armed robbers, prior to their arrest by the police, Mr Mornah insists it would be difficult to defend them in court because they have no authority to posses and publicly display weapons that they did not legally acquire.

Speaking on UTV today, Mr Mornah said he is unhappy about the development because the reputation of Dagabas as peace loving people have been tainted.

“When I watched it, [the video], I just said these are my town people. It is painful their names indicate that they are from my background. It is painful because, anyone who knows Dagabas will testify that we are one of the most peaceful people around. Then all of a sudden, our own people are involved in this thing. You cannot defend it anywhere any how”.

He added that it will be very difficult for the police to believe their story as their viral video came at a time when robbery incidents are on the ascendancy.
