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Christian Marriage is built on the Holy Bible. Its foundation, instructions and manual are all inscribed in the Holy Bible (Gen. 1:27, Gen. 2:18-25, 1Cor. 7:1-10, Eph. 5:22-23 and Matt. 19:3-12). As such, it is recommended that you learn the Holy Bible well if you want to marry the Christian way so that you know where to seek guidance, help and instructions. Christian marriage is not based on perceptions, hearsay or human knowledge but the Holy Bible. It does not mean that you shouldn’t listen to anybody in obtaining advice concerning marriage but read only the Bible. The depth of the Bible needs mature interpretation and discernment; therefore you need to be guided to marriage by a spirit filled Counsellor with a good marriage built solidly on the Holy Bible. Exclusive to


Christian Marriage inform us of the following:

  1. God is the centre and head of the Marriage:

The Bible talks about the man being the head of the woman whiles God is the head of the marriage. Therefore the woman must reverence the husband, likewise the husband whiles both couple should reverence God as the head of the marriage. Most of the time, the woman reverence both the husband and God but most husbands lacks reverence to their wife than even to God.


  1. Marriage is between a man and a woman:

According to Genesis 2:18, God intended marriage between a man and a woman and not two men (gay) or two women (lesbian) which is not centered on Biblical principles. A Christian marriage focuses on a union between a man and a woman; with the woman being the help-mate of the man and the man the provider and care taker of the woman.Exclusive to


  1. Families must be consented before marriage:

The families or relatives of both spouse are key to the marriage process. It is not permitted organize a marriage ceremony without the consent and involvement of both families. In this case, the marriage will be null and void. No matter how much the partners love themselves, their families (that’s mother & father)must agree to their union before their marriage can be valid.


  1. Wife must submit and Husband must love:

According to Ephesians 5:22-23, God made two laws one each for couples. The Woman must reverence (submit) the husband and the Husband must love the woman unconditionally. This means that the man may most of the time exercise authority over the woman; the wife must understand and submit to his leadership. This does not mean the man should abuse the wife. Moreover, the woman is a weaker vessel carrying blessings but weak in certain areas of her life, the husband should understand her and love her for who she is. By this law, God did not give conditions as; the woman should submit only if the man loves her or the man love the wife only if the wife submits. Each partner must fulfil his part.


  1. Man must leave parents and unite to the woman:

According to Genesis 2:20-24, the man must leave his mother and father, and unite with his wife for them to become one flesh. The man leaving his parents does not mean deserting them but to focus more on building his new family and uniting them to the larger family. He must therefore leave his parent psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, medically, financially, socially, etc.


  1. Couple must render due benevolence:

Sx is an important aspect of marriage; a marriage without active sx life burnt on frequent misunderstanding and fights. God knows the reason He made sx and urged couples not to deny themselves of it, according to 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. Most couples use sx as a weapon to punish themselves during failure to perform responsibilities or failure to meet certain Need/wants. We are told not to do so, as God displeases couples who engage in such acts. No matter the situation, s*x should not be weapon of punishment and no partner should deny the other, except with consent.Exclusive to


  1. Pray & worship together to stay together:

As we know that prayer is an effective weapon for the Christian, it is more powerful if both couples devote their time to praying together. A family that prays together stays together. The devil hates to see couples together and happy in the marriage; he therefore tries to attack the marriage by beginning with disunity between the couples. When couples pray apart, the devil dwells in the middle and tries to create problem using one of the couples. If couples pray together, the devil find it difficult attacking the marriage. Couples are therefore encouraged to pray together to stay together.

Love is a feeling of attraction and care for someone coupled with action. You can’t love someone if you don’t feel attracted to him/her. You can’t love someone if you don’t put his/her interest ahead of yours and meet his/her needs.  You can’t love someone without caring for him/her or showing care. That is how love is encapsulated or demonstrated. You need to also accommodate, adjust and cope with some aspect of your partner’s life to demonstrate your love for him/her. This means, if you are careless, selfish, irresponsible, etc. towards your partner, it means you do not love him/her genuinely; you might just be attracted to him/her due to some physical features.Exclusive to
