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Why People Cheat in Marriage…part 2



A lot of uncertainties can result from having extra marital affair. Some of these are:

1. Unwanted Pregnancy:
Unplanned pregnancy is one of the results of extra marital affairs since conception issues is sometimes trickery or unpredictable. If pregnancy occurs in this relationship, it now becomes a burden and the secret will eventually be exposed. It might result from unprotected sex, failed protection or miscalculated fertile days or even natural occurrence.

2. Dangerous Infections:
You might not know the kind of infection your outside partner carries. Unprotected sex can leak infectious diseases to you or even a protection might fail and result in an exposure to any kind of sexually transmitted diseases. So why will you take such risk?

3. Divorce:
It is very difficult to handle or tolerate, if you find out that your partner is cheating on you. Since it is difficult to break extra marital affair, divorce is inevitable in most cases if the truth is uncovered. If it happens that your partner sincerely regrets and promises to stay faithful to you, why don’t you forgive and continue the relationship! On the other hand, it will be a lasting thing to contend with if your partner will always continue to cheat on you.

4. Loss of Reputation:
A well cherished and respected person might easily lose his/her reputation when people discover his/her extra marital affairs. It does not show respect to his/her married partner neither does it protect his/her reputation. People tend to think that the wife is not performing her duties well. The wife thus loses some degree of respect. In the case of the husband; people think he is not being responsible enough and therefore reputation is reduced or lost.

5. Disappointment:
Since extra marital affairs are mostly temporary, one party may be looking forward to a permanent relation which he/she is likely to communicate at an unexpected date. This mostly happens when one party is married and the other is single.

In a case when both parties are married, it is likely that one may decide to end the relationship because he/she found someone else or better still regrets the action of cheating and wants to be faithful to his/her spouse. Either ways, the underlying factor is the shock, disappointment or heartbreak that normally accompanies this kind of break up.

6. Physical and Spiritual Instability:
Your physical life becomes shaky when you go deeper into the affair. Finances go down, expenditure increases and you experience emotional trauma as to how to keep this relationship from your wife or husband. Also, your spiritual life/strength will go down because extra marital affair contradicts the laws of most religions, for example the Holy Bible and the Quran speaks against it. Such relationships draw you out of the grace and protection of the Almighty. These are some of the reasons counsellors advice couples to choose their lifetime partner carefully and remain faithful to them in order to avoid the challenges and the consequences that come with it.

Stories to conclude it
Story 1: (name withheld), age- 52: “My wife found out from a colleague that I’ve been having an affair with a woman at work. I didn’t even know my colleagues at work knew about it! We were both married and all she needed was casual sex. I’ve now lost my wife, my three kids and I am left with no home. My lover doesn’t want to risk being with a single person so I’m practically left alone… not to mention the financial strains from all of this. I wish I could turn back the hands of time.”

Story 2: (name withheld), age- 25: “I became pregnant while having an affair and didn’t know who the father was. With extreme racial differences, I HAD to find out who the father was. My husband left me when he found out the baby may not be his. My lover didn’t want the baby and it was too late to abort. I’m now a single mother living with my parents.”

By: Counsellor Benjamin Effah Werehene
