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Woman in labor carried on carried on wooden to faraway clinic due to lack of health facility.





The poor health system in many parts of Ghana has come to the fore once again following how a woman in labour was transported on the wooden carrier by townfolks due to lack of amenities.

The people in the Sekyere East District of the Ashanti Region can only boast of one clinic which is far away from people living in the hinterlands.

The unavailability of health professionals and the deplorable nature of their roads are problems that are making the lives of people living there difficult and sometimes leading to death.

This is how come a woman in labour who needed urgent clinical attention could only be transported on the head like tomatoes up for sale. The village midwife who was helpless because she could not help the woman deliver safely recommended that she be transferred immediately to the nearby clinic.

In fact, the word “nearby” is not realistic to these people in the Sekyere East District since, on several occasions, they had to carry people on their heads and run helter-skelter covering miles before they find a clinic that could offer some help.

As a cocoa growing area, it is absurd that the people in that part of Ghana lack all the basic amenities you can think of: schools, hospitals, roads and a ready market for their farm produce.

A working clinic for the people of the Sekyere East District and several other areas in the country will go a long way to alleviate their plights and provide a better alternative for their healthcare needs.




